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A Few Words About Us

page2_pic1Orangehat is defined as: the use of content and social media marketing for the deployment of Search Engine Optimization strategies, techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience.

By focusing on a human audience, we engage end users with Internet sales funnels through the use of targeted content. We use the content, rich in keywords, information, and links to drive in traffic to our clients websites.

The content is presented as information for the consumer to learn about the product and to gain trust in the brand. There is always a strong call to action near the content, whether it be a sign up for a newsletter, a phone number to call, or a product to buy. These call to actions drive a user to engage our clients, which turns into conversions.

Orangehat is a brand that was developed through a combination of psychology and marketing.  Our logo is hypnotic, our tone is rebellious, and we can (and will) extend our reach all around the globe.

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What We Offer

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A word class Internet marketing solution
Orangehat offers small businesses the ability to reach markets like the big boys do. Having Orangehat is like having a fortune 500 marketing department on a fortune 500,000 budget.

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significant return on investment
Orangehat’s services are very competitive in today’s market. A plan of action will be customized for your business and executed. We then provide analytic reports every 30, 90 and 180 days so that you will see actual numbers.

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Peace of mind
When your phone is ringing and sales are up, you will have the peace of mind to know that Orangehat was the right solution.

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